News hot as hotcakes!

News hot as hotcakes!

24th July 2010 2pm -

Second MissionFTH meeting at White sands shopping mall

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What MissionFTH has been up to...

Apologies for the lack of updates. MissionFTH has been busy reaching out to strays in industrial estates and helping those hit-and-run victims.

Let me introduce to you OTAH.

He is a 4.5month old male mongrel who was a victim of a hit-and-run accident.

He was lucky that he survived though his hind legs were broken. Dr Quek, vet from Mount Pleasant at Sunset Way managed to insert two artificial nails into his hip to support the hind legs.

OTAH will not have any difficulty moving ard BUT he has no home to go to.

We are still trying to rehome him. But it is not easy cos OTAH isnt "pure breed". He is local breed. Yes what is so wrong about local breeds right? Well I havent got that answer too.

Besides supporting OTAH, MissionFTH has been out rescuing two other dogs named Wang Wang and Casper.

Both dogs were caught by AVA and we managed to save them out after paying $500 plus (each) worth of ransom.

Wang Wang and Owner

I want to thank Edith, Elizabeth, Sheila and Shanta who have came forward to help. Bcos of you, we managed to save the two dogs.

Wang Wang and Casper are safe for now but I am still worried for Wang Wang as his owner is adamant about getting help from us. As much as I would like to respect him for his love for Wang Wang, I also hope he truly knows what's best for Wang Wang. (Not that I know best)

Almost every week, Joshua will accompany me to visit Wang Wang and ironically I am glad Wang Wang runs away when he sees us. Even though I wanted to hug Wang Wang so much and nurse the injury that AVA claimed was a result of Wang Wang's anxiety, I had to "train" him to run away FAST.

Sorry I do not have pictures of Casper at the moment but I heard he is doing so well! Thank you Elizabeth, Sheila and Shanta!!!

MissionFTH had a busy busy week, cleaning the shelters to ensure a clean environment for the furkids and it was really tiring. But thanks to Joshua, Pamela and friends who came forward to help. Really very touched by them!

Thank you Pamela and gang.. sorry I didnt manage to get all your names but really I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you guys!

Good news is, Auntie Mary, our chairman managed to touch one of the labelled "untouchables" in the shelter! And he is GONG GONG (Blur blur in Hokkien)!

Gong Gong appears to be the leader of the pack and they usually run away when Auntie Mary tries to go near them. But Gong Gong didnt! I guess they know. they do know. They know how much Auntie Mary has sacrificed for them.

Guess which one is Gong Gong?
Till then.