News hot as hotcakes!

News hot as hotcakes!

24th July 2010 2pm -

Second MissionFTH meeting at White sands shopping mall

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Humble Beginning

Dear friends,

I've created this blog specially for every individual who has ever helped a furrypal on earth.

No matter which group you belong to, I believe we all have one thing in common - To care for and to love our furrypals.

I believe most of you have learnt about the case of Mary Soo and her dogs at Erisson Farm. I bet you heard some nasty remarks about her and that you probably want her out of the SPCA board. Well, in a situation like this, it is of high possibility that everyone would rally hatred towards her and want her dead (I'm sorry, Mary)BUT it is also a time like this that made people who truly want to HELP (the DOGS)to come forward.

I've always wanted to set up my own shelter for strays BUT money is always the issue. However Mary's story and the bunch of Mary Soo-haters spurred me to DO SOMETHING. And then I realized, I am not alone. Many people out there, in Singapore are actually willing to help! Really Good news! =)

I've always been saving strays, lost or abandoned pets on a not so official basis compared to THIS. I've never been attached to any organization. I volunteered for every shelter, any shelter or animal welfare group because all of them are DOING THE SAME THING - saving animals! So, how different can these org/society/group/shelter be?

But, do a reality check. Do we really have zero differences? Haha, how can it be?
I am really an amateur in this animal welfare work and being new, I heard a fair amount of "stories" about how the different animal groups/shelters/orgs are actually against each other or dislike each other.
These "stories"...I can never comprehend.
It sounds like some kind of parents who love their children so much that they hate one another's way of parenting. They fight and hate one another because they want to love their children their own way. Period.

While loving our furrypals is important, did we forget to accept one another's differences/achievements/goals?
Have we as human beings, forgotten the most important human aspect called RESPECT?
We teach our dogs NOT to fight, Not to bark at each other BUT to live HARMONIOUSLY, yet we are NOT doing what we preach.
So, how do we convince people to start loving our furrypals when animal-lovers are hating one another?

Looking forward, do we want to be so segregated? Does this system work?
How does this help us in loving our furrypals?
To be honest, I do not take for regard the "behind story" that some shelters/groups would feed me with. There is only one reason and one reason only. The words, "SAVE our FURRYPALS" stands out more than anything else.

With all my heart, I sincerely hope that every furrypal group/society/org/shelter can come forward to collaborate and to form a circle of support for one another; not just for ourselves BUT for our furrypals too! You all have done so much to help our furrypals and I salute to every one of you!


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